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Monday, January 3, 2011

Things I Like Way More Than I Should

  • Peanut Butter M&Ms
  • The Kardashians
  • Watching people fall down
  • Watching people I know fall down
  • Airplane turbulence
  • Any television show with the words “Real Housewives of” in the title
  • Correcting other people’s grammar
  • Reading about serial killers
  • “Lifetime” movies
  • “Lifetime” movies about serial killers
  • Bob Uecker
  • Ambien
  • Dr. Drew (See that?  Right there?  Is irony.)
  • Baby talking to my three cats
  • Answering for my three cats
  • My mannequin, Leticia Beavers

So that's a little about me.  Now tell me about yourselves ...


  1. You know that song that goes "jump in front of a train for ya?" I always have to change the station when it comes on because I cannot stand the grammar! If some guy sang me a song like that? I'd smack him!!!

  2. You can borrow Leticia Beavers and she can smack him for you! And then feed you some Peanut Butter M&Ms.

  3. Great idea for sharing! My list...please don't tell anyone...includes Abba, Fifty Cent, and What Not to Wear. And yes, my wife has expressed concern about me!

  4. I would like to tell you about myself, but I'm too occupied with the results from Googling Leticia Beavers images...
