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Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Middle-Aged Woman and the Blog

Back to blogging with my three co-bloggers!  Each week, one of us chooses a topic and we all post a blog entry on that topic, usually on Thursdays.  (Usually we are on time.  Usually.  Ok, mostly.  Sometimes?  Don’t judge me.)

Here are the links to the other fabulous blogs:

Merryland Girl           
Moma Rock

This week, Froggie chose the topic, and she asked:  How does your blogging differ from when you first started blogging?  Here’s my take:

            Although I had already set up my blog when Froggie invited me to join this group two years ago (wow!), I hadn’t posted a whole lot, mostly just stupid stuff I thought was funny, mixed with an occasional “thought piece” that probably wasn’t all that thoughtful.  I posted inconsistently and not very often, and mainly to amuse myself.

            I suppose the latter part hasn’t changed:  I still kind of amuse myself via blogging (or I sure try).  But my posts feel more thoughtful these days, largely because the topics chosen by my co-bloggers often require such depth.  I try to match the level of “heft” of the various topics, and I take a great deal of time writing each post (though it may not seem that way), likely more than it appears when reading my entries.  (I write and then re-write and then edit et cetera, et cetera, et cetera).  (Ten points if you get that reference.  See?  Still amusing myself.)  I take more pride in my blogging now, and that’s because I know that at least three people (my co-bloggers) read it, and that keeps me accountable.  Years ago, my Dad told me that all you have in life is your name and your credit rating.  As a former journalist, I took those words to heart whenever my byline would be attached to something I wrote that would be published in print.  (Also, I’m totally Type A.)  I didn’t feel quite that way when I first began blogging, as I saw the online endeavor as a “goof” – and because I had no idea if anyone would even read my stuff.  I do care more today and I do apply the “byline” rule, so in that way, my blogging has, indeed, changed.

            I also post more consistently now versus then.  I don’t have a perfect track record and have missed a week here and there, but there aren’t any six month-long gaps as there once were.  I could still use some work in this area, as my self-motivation seems lacking when not connected to the other bloggers.  This past summer, when the blogging group took a break, I didn’t post anything.  Not one single word.  I could have written whatever I wanted on whatever topic I chose, but I didn’t feel the urge.  More than once, a topic popped into my head, and I entertained the thought of actually writing about it but, somehow, the motivation never came.  I guess I prefer the challenge of writing on a topic suggested by someone else; I suppose both as a journalist and a lawyer, I’ve always worked off of an “assignment.”  Maybe that’s just easier for me, or maybe I’m just not creative enough to think of my own topics.  I don’t know.

            Froggie did not ask us to look forward in our blogging, but as I looked back, I could not help myself.  I began thinking about how I would like to change my blogging as I go on.  I would like to publish a few of my own posts, ones not connected to my co-bloggers.  I always have a lot to say (part of my charm) – why not reduce it to electronic paper?  Occasionally, I think of a topic that isn’t necessarily right for the blog group, and I have absolutely no reason not to write about it on my own.  So, there’s one goal.

            But more than that, I’d like to be more honest in my writing.  I do try to be true and open when I write, but I have found myself avoiding certain topics out of fear of offending someone who might read the post (I truly have no idea who reads my posts unless a comment is posted).  My natural desire to avoid confrontation coupled with my hopes to never purposely offend someone has forced me to limit what I talk about at times, and I wonder whether I should ever cross that self-imposed line and talk about subjects that, to date, I’ve considered taboo.  Only time will tell, I guess.

            I truly don’t know where this blog is headed; at this moment, I don’t see much change in the pipeline.  That’s fine . . . for now.  But I am big on change, as I believe that change almost always equals growth.  For sure, had I not accepted Froggie’s invitation and joined the group, this blog never would have gone from where it was to where it is now, and that would have been a shame.  So, I can only hope that my blog continues to grow – either in subject or in frequency or both – and I hope that it turns into something that people look forward to reading.  Or, even better, something that inspires them to sit down, set up a blog, and start writing.  I promise I will read and comment, even if you’ve just shared cat photos or observations about the Kardashians.  I’m fairly certain that’s how Hemingway got started, right? 


  1. I'm so glad you're part of our group and that we've been blogging together for so longer already. I always enjoy reading your posts and learning new things about you or discovering more that we have in common. Keep on blogging!

  2. Denise, the paragraph that stands out for me is the one that talks about your future and blogging on topics that might be sensitive. I've been struggling with these two sentences: "It's not your responsibility how people interpret your words" and "Maybe thinking about how your words might affect someone will help you to think before you speak". I've been known to say both to my kids and in fact I really do believe both, but using them appropriately is sometimes difficult. I think you write quite well and that you should take the risk to write about something that could be misread by others, or cause offsense, if for no other reason than to push your boundaries. In general, I think it's impossible for us to edit all of our thoughts into words that will be neutral to all and if we could do that wouldn't we lose our own essence? So, when we're writing about that which affects us directly, or interests us, or about which we are confused and writing is how we deal with it - how much of our self should we edit out to accommodate others? That's the thing I'd like to resolve for myself. Eager to see how your branch out.

  3. I'm so glad you're part of the blog group! I love reading your posts and getting your take on things.
